Feminism Is An Addiction

I have done a great bit of pondering on the subject,and I believe the early MRAs may have had a fundamentally-flawed understanding of feminism. I posit that the reason why we have made such surprising headway in the past few years is because younger MRAs have stumbled onto something the older MRAs were incapable of understanding. The early MRAs understood feminism to be a belief system, like a religion, with a set of doctrines that were (pardon the redundancy and this pun) religiously adhered to. Certainly, there is this aspect to feminism, but I do not believe that this approach can illuminate or entirely solve the problem.

Allow me to explain.

Religions, even when enforced by the state under penalty of death, fall out of favor, so too with political philosophies. Some religions have a long shelf life, but these religions are marked by strong Patriarchal headship. A female-centric religion will soon degenerate into meaningless hedonism (as opposed to the more meaningful kind, which I fully sanction), and so will one that is not sufficiently masculine, but nonetheless patriarchal in structure. We see that Christianity has been on a downward spiral for some time now, suffering from a lack of strong headship,the culprit being the idea that “we are all children of God” and “all are equal in Christ”. Only religions such as Judaism,which teach that woman is responsible for the fall of mankind,stand the test of time.

Examine the date of this quote,if you will.

“Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the traces. You must keep her on a tight rein . . . Women want total freedom or rather – to call things by their names – total licence. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters . . .” – Cato the Elder 234–149 B.C., quoted in Livy’s History of Rome

If feminism is a political or religious philosophy, then one would be forced to conclude that it is among the world’s oldest and most well-established. People usually spoke about what was generally accepted during Cato’s time, reasoning from the general to the specific, from the known to the unknown. We can safely assume that these uncomfortable truths about women had been part of the public discourse for some time at the time Livy’s History of Rome was written. I do not credit women with the ability to found a religious or political discipline and then maintain it over the course of several thousand years.

For one thing, where is the payoff? If they were smart enough to do all this, surely they must have had the forethought to realize that eventually men would revolt and put a stop to any system that seeks as its objective the domination and subjugation of men.

I don’t buy it.

Let me give you my theory.


If you have spent much time around drug addicts, and no doubt, some of you have, you will notice that they are busy people when it comes to their addiction. They are constantly coming up with different theories about how to hide or transport drugs,how to obtain drugs, who to sell drugs to, and of course, the best way to do drugs. Many times, their theories are a hodgepodge of science,pseudoscience, and what they’ve heard from their friends, and thus these theories are often wrong. These addicts’ entire lives revolve around their drug of choice, and if one were to review their income over the course of their lives, one would find that in some cases it can be substantial, even though the addict himself may live on the street corner or drift from place to place. Everything they take in they spend on more drugs to feed their addiction. They are driven to produce,often quite creatively, but everything they produce is used to purchase more drugs, usually causing wreckage in their social circles and families due to “creative liquidation” of other people’s property.

Let us study feminism,using this model.

As you can see, there are many parallels. Feminists take money from men via taxation and attempt to produce theories which denigrate those men in order to gain even more money,in order to expand even further,very much like a junkie searching for more dope each time to keep themselves high.Feminists take in quite a lot of money which they are not accountable for, and produce nothing of any value to anyone but themselves with it. Somehow,they are always in need of more cash.”For women and children”,of course. Feminists come up with lots of theories about the relations between the sexes, but they all basically revolve around one thing, themselves, and what men can do to feed their “habit” even further. This is a classic addiction pattern.

The “drugs” that feminists are addicted to (just like an individual woman) are money and status,and like a junkie they will do whatever they have to in order to obtain them. They will beg, they will steal, they will hurt other people, and probably even kill. This explains the existence of feminist prostitutes, proclaiming “death to the patriarchy” out of one side of their mouths, while spitting semen out of the other. The addiction takes precedence over everything, including consistency and logic.

Right now, what they have to do for money and status is to rob it from men,because we are the gatekeepers of money and status as women are the gatekeepers of sex and babies. This results in the curious phenomenon of women claiming “no man is entitled to sex” (a woman’s resource) while at the same time proclaiming “a woman is entitled to the same pay as men” (a man’s resource). Again, the addiction takes precedence.

But money and status themselves may be only part of the problem. It is conceivable that there are actual drugs involved here,but not of the illicit kind.

Oxytocin (pronounced /ˌɒksɨˈtoʊsɪn/) (sold as Pitocin, Syntocinon) is a mammalian hormone that acts primarily as a neurotransmitter in the brain. Also known as alpha-hypophamine (α–hypophamine), oxytocin has the distinction of being the very first polypeptide hormone to be sequenced and synthesized biochemically by Vincent du Vigneaud et al. in 1953.[1]

Oxytocin is best known for its roles in female reproduction: 1) it is released in large amounts after distension of the cervix and vagina during labor, and 2) after stimulation of the nipples, facilitating birth and breastfeeding. Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin’s role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors.[2] For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the “cuddle hormone.” [3]

From Wikipedia

A brain hormone that fosters fuzzy feelings between mothers and children may also goad soldiers to launch preemptive strikes in defense of their comrades, according to new research.

Oxytocin has received much attention for boosting social bonding and cooperation, but it also appears to trigger defensive aggression against outsiders who might threaten an individual’s social group, psychologists say. That indicates the hormone has a much more complex role in social dynamics than just encouraging humans to make love and not war.

“Our study shows that oxytocin not only plays a role in modulating cooperation and benevolence, but also in driving aggression,” said Carsten De Dreu, a social psychologist at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

From LiveScience

Dopamine has many functions in the brain, including important roles in behavior and cognition, voluntary movement, motivation, punishment and reward, inhibition of prolactin production (involved in lactation and sexual gratification), sleep, mood, attention, working memory, and learning. Dopaminergic neurons (i.e., neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is dopamine) are present chiefly in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, the substantia nigra pars compacta, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus.

It has been hypothesized that dopamine transmits reward prediction error, although this has been questioned.[6] According to this hypothesis, the phasic responses of dopamine neurons are observed when an unexpected reward is presented. These responses transfer to the onset of a conditioned stimulus after repeated pairings with the reward. Further, dopamine neurons are depressed when the expected reward is omitted. Thus, dopamine neurons seem to encode the prediction error of rewarding outcomes. In nature, we learn to repeat behaviors that lead to maximizing rewards. Dopamine is therefore believed to provide a teaching signal to parts of the brain responsible for acquiring new behavior. Temporal difference learning provides a computational model describing how the prediction error of dopamine neurons is used as a teaching signal.

The reward system in insects uses octopamine, which is the presumed arthropod homolog of norepinephrine,[7] rather than dopamine. In insects, dopamine acts instead as a punishment signal and is necessary to form aversive memories.[8][9]

-Wikipedia again

While I am not a scientist, it sounds plausible to me that a hormone,naturally created in women’s bodies, that leads to both pair-bonding and aggression could fuck with their brain chemistry enough to lead them to aggress against the one they are pair-bonded with or men in general occasionally. That would mean that,in a nutshell,feminism is an addiction to the kinds of thoughts and behaviors that are likely to produce these chemicals in their brains. The female addiction to chocolate is well documented,roughly twice as many women are common consumers of chocolate as men, and chocolate is known to produce these “love hormones” in the brain. Also, when women engage in emotional activities involving social interaction,it’s been shown to light up their brains like little fucking pinball machines, specifically the areas dealing with “rewards”. As you can see, women are indeed known to chase hormonal “highs”.

Feminism is a monkey on womens’ backs, and the best thing to do, the most humane thing to do, is to cold-turkey them.

In my life, I have never repented but of three things: that I trust a woman with a secret, that I went by sea when I might have gone by land, and that I passed a day with idleness.- Cato the Elder


  1. I have defined feminism as “perpetual revolution”. A system of energy that must remain in motion endlessly, and convert more and more of the world beyond itself into fuel, in order to drive continued revolution:


    I have also described feminism as a kind of cancer:


    It seems to me that all of this dovetails fairly well with the ‘addiction’ model you have proposed.

    • Yeah,definitely. Feminism certainly spreads among women like a disease whenever the feminist is not isolated. I’ve been looking at a lot of interesting studies lately that seem to indicate that poor social habits and things like depression,for instance, can spread like a disease.

      This actually gives me a deeper perspective on the matter. I may just have to make an update to my post in order to paint a clearer picture of the subject.

  2. I think it’s human nature never to be satisfied. It’s pretty clear how the Sexual Revolution influenced feminism, but we wouldn’t have what we have today if consumerism didn’t play in as well. More, more, more we’re always wanting, and we don’t even feel guilty about it because we’ve been taught that endless dissatisfaction is the de facto state of being. Feminism has been going strong for about 45 years. I’m nearly 40, and I have never had extra fences I had to hurdle because I was born female. I never had a problem getting into a good school, I never had difficulty finding a job, and no one ever asked me to make coffee. I think it is easier for me to see how lucky I am to have what I have and to have had the opportunities I had because I have unplugged so much from the culture. It’s harder to fight entitlement when you’re told how much more you deserve to have (if you only shell out the cash or force it through politically) all the time from multiple sources.

    Thanks for the linkage.

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